Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Time: 4:00pm 

Register Here

All are welcome to attend the AGM.
Only current members are eligible to vote.

Click Here to Renew or Become a Member


AGM Package

Craft NS AGM Year End Financials 2023 2024 



Board of Directors

We are seeking new representatives for the Craft Nova Scotia Board of Directors. As per the Nova Scotia Designer Crafts Council Memorandum of Association and Bylaws approved on September 15, 2022, the Society shall have no fewer than three (3), and no more than eleven (11), Directors.  

We will have 4  vacancies  on the Board for the upcoming year and invite members to consider standing for election.  

We encourage and welcome applications from everyone, particularly those interested in expanding the diversity of our Board, and addressing specific skill sets and areas of experience to strengthen our organization. Through our recent Organizational Review, we identified a need to increase representation from individuals who identify as Indigenous, Black, People of Colour, and living with a disability. We are also seeking individuals with financial, non-profit governance, policy, and fund development experience.  

The anticipated term is one to two years. Board Members may serve a total of three, two-year terms (maximum 6 years).  

Expected Time Commitment:  

Approximately 10 meetings per year, each lasting 1½ to 2 hours, with additional involvement at the committee level.  

Virtual meetings have been effective and help reduce barriers. We anticipate this continuing, with the exception of one possible in-person planning meeting.  

A Board Orientation will be held following the AGM, at a date to be announced.  

If you have a passion for craft and community building,  please fill out the application below:  

Closing date for nominations is  August 21, 2024 at 4pm  

Standards Committee

We have four members who are completing their terms and are seeking to stand for reelection.   

We are still accepting submissions from the the community to serve as representatives for the Craft Nova Scotia Standards Committee to assist in the product assessment process.  

We invite members and individuals from the craft community to consider standing for election.  

We encourage and welcome applications from everyone, particularly those interested in expanding the diversity of our committee, and addressing specific skill sets and areas of experience to strengthen our organization. Through our recent Organizational Review, we identified a need to increase representation from individuals who identify as Indigenous, Black, People of Colour, and living with a disability.  

The following media are currently represented on the committee:  

  • Ceramics  
  • Woodworking  
  • Jewellery  
  • Textiles  
  • Glass  
  • Photography  

The anticipated term is two years. Committee members may serve for a total of three, two-year terms (maximum 6 years).  

Please note: Product Assessment Sessions are typically held in person in our Halifax offices/facilities.  

If you have a passion for craft and community building , please fill out the application below:  

Closing date for nominations is  August 21, 2024 at 4pm