May 13 - July 3, 2022 | May 12, 6:00 PM

Every Bathroom I have Bathed In 1995-2020

Larry Weyand

Artist Biography

Larry Weyand is a rug hooker whose work defies the established properties of traditional floor decor, domesticity and gender. Fueled by the complex history of processed foods, emotional trauma, autoethnography, queerness, and domestic spaces, Larry investigates how hard-to-swallow narratives can exist within the dis/comfort of textile-based craft.

Larry’s textile work has been presented across Canada, most recently at The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery (St. John’s, NL, 2019-2020), Neutral Ground Artist Run Center (Saskatoon, SK, 2020-2021), the Art Gallery of Burlington (Burlington, ON, 2021), and Struts & Faucet Artist Run Center (Sackville, NB, 2019). Larry has recently been the recipient of a Canada Council for the Arts Grant as well as the City of St. John’s Artist Grant to develop a pivotal body of work about bathrooms, to unpack their experience as a gender non-conforming person. Having completed their MFA at Concordia University in Fibres & Material Practices, Larry is now a Visiting Assistant Professor in Textile Arts at Memorial University’s Grenfell campus in Newfoundland & Labrador.  


Instagram: @larrycweyand  

Exhibition Statement

This installation investigates how challenging narratives such as gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia can occupy space within the soft,

Greatly inspired by Tracey Emin’s iconic installation “Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963-1995”, I created a series of “Every Bathroom I Have Ever Bathed In 1995-2020”, starting with the first two life-sized bathrooms I have taken baths in. Each item within them sculpturally constructed using the time consuming, traditional rug hooking methods as a

I explore ideas of the bathroom as a private/public space, a space of self-surveillance, of tension, of discomfort, of sickness, of health, of beautification, of built-up grime, of disgust, of confusion. As a person still grappling with my gender-neutrality, I experience constant anxieties around the use of washrooms, both public and private. I question the physicality of my own body by revisiting intergenerational traumas experienced in these domestic spaces. I have showered in many spaces, but there have been very few bathrooms where I have felt comfortable enough to take a bath in. I can count only six.

My work addresses moments of stress, anxiety, panic, abuse, disagreement, anger, addiction, sadness, body dysmorphia and loss. My curiosity develops in the space where narrative, psychological resilience, mat making and domestic spaces intersect. My bright, colorful, humorous and chunky mats softly and safely start conversations about mental health, gender dysphoria, trauma and the act of making as a coping mechanism. I pull each strand of yarn through meters upon meters of burlap, questioning how repetition in cloth can break negative behavioral patterns. I carry my emotional baggage through this craft of resilience, each completed rug becoming an externalized record of compassion, understanding and self-acceptance.  

We will be hosting a virtual artist talk with Larry Weyand on June 9th at 6:30 pm on Zoom

We are thrilled to be hosting Larry Weyand for an online artist talk over zoom. Please register in advance via this link. The registration link can be used to access the webinar even if the event has already started. Please contact us if you have any technical issues. We are very excited to welcome Larry Weyand and to invite you all to hear them talk about their brilliant work!  

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

When: Jun 9, 2022 06:30 PM Halifax
Topic: Larry Weyand- Artist Talk
Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.






Published ©2022 by the Centre for Craft Nova Scotia All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. All photography courtesy of the artist unless otherwise stated.