Exhibition Statement
Climate change is real. Industrialization is wreaking havoc on the environment. We are surrounded by the amazing diversity of nature that is being gravely impacted by our
ever-increasing development and abuse.
My challenge has been to recreate the essence of marine elements. I have experimented with a variety of textile techniques and structures using industrially made materials – preferably discarded. The production of these materials is a major factor in climate change and their disposal is causing global pollution, with dire consequences.
Although aesthetically pleasing objects can be created out of garbage, they can never replace the original natural ones. Viewers are forced to reflect on the impact of climate change and garbage pollution, and the urgency of taking action. There is hope: we humans are creative, and surely now is the time to put our creativity to work.
For the past twenty five-plus years, I have been an experimental basket maker, knitter, crocheter, stitcher, and general tinkerer. I gather urban flotsam and jetsam and explore ways of reusing these materials to create forms and vessels. I work on the premise that if I have enough of something, I just have to figure out what the material brings to the table and what I need to add to create the desired form. My work is determined by what I’ve been able to hunt and gather. The amount and variety of garbage always horrifies me. I have to reign myself in and be selective in what I collect and use. I understand that if I run out of something, I may not be able to find any more of that specific material…. but I relish in the treasure hunt.
Underlying my experimentation with materials, techniques, and structures is my passion and concern for the environment. I have recently retired and returned to Nova Scotia after living and working in inland Australia for over a decade. Reconnecting with the ocean environment and reconfirming my understanding of its fragility has been a powerful experience and one that has inspired me to create this body of work.