Emily Gillies

Emily will be present in the space throughout this project, dropping in as often as possible during our open hours Wednesday – Sunday, 11am-4pm.

If you’d like to stop in on a day Emily is guaranteed to be here, please plan a visit for the following dates:

Saturday, September 30th
Saturday, October 21st
Saturday, November 4th

Feel free to follow Emily on Instagram @houseofwool.ca for more updates about her project!

Emily Gillies is examining learning and intra-generational knowledge-sharing in craft communities through an interactive textile makerspace. This space is designed for public engagement, primarily exploring spinning and weaving with a focus on community-based learning. Visit the gallery to participate in hands-on exploratory ways to experience craft and share your stories about how craft has influenced you.

The overarching thread of Emily Gillies’ research is concerned with what brings people to craft, and how is knowledge shared in craft-based communities. She is an arts educator interested in hands-on arts-based learning outside of classroom settings, and through the CraftLAIR is focused on facilitating opportunities for collaborative public engagement through participatory craft-based exploration. 


Emily C Gillies is a Toronto-based maker, educator, and researcher currently residing in Halifax. She is an MA candidate in Art Education with a focus on community-based practice at NSCAD University. Her past work has focused on public engagement in museum spaces and arts education. Emily’s present studio work is based in production dyeing and community engagement. A deep love of textiles and fibrecraft can be seen throughout her research, studio work, and through the many fibrecraft tools present in her spaces. 

We respectfully acknowledge that The Mary E. Black Gallery and the Centre For Craft Nova Scotia is situated in Mi’kma’ki, which is the unceded traditional ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq.

Mary E. Black Gallery