Thank you for your interest in our residency programs. 

Craft Nova Scotia has proudly been offering three residency programs over the last decade: the Summer Professional Development, the AirCraft residencies and most recently the CraftLAIR. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to grow and learn through the support we have given to the many talented residents over the years.  

Revisioning our Residency Programs 

We have come to recognize with this growth has come change and so we have decided to take a meaningful pause to reflect and review our residency programs. Over the next year our team will take the much-needed pause to shift focus and energy to research, review and develop our programs. It is our goal to come back bigger and better with residency programs that provide barrier-free support for craft artists, and to better align with the current cultural landscape of Nova Scotia. 

Join us in the revision process… 

We look forward to reaching out and engaging with the community throughout this process. Please stay tuned for updates and opportunities to contribute to this community building initiative.  

If you would like to be considered for focused discussions or would like to stay up to date on the review process, sign up here. 

Craft Nova Scotia thanks you in advance for your patience and understanding as we take this on this exciting review.