Mighty Morels: Needle Felted Fungi
Saturday, October 12th and Sunday, October 13th
12:30pm to 4:30pm (8 hours, 2 days)
Minimum students: 4 students
Maximum students: 8 students
Materials Fee: $30 included with registration
Registration closes: October 4th
No experience necessary
Class minimum: 4
Class maximum: 8
Spots taken: /8
SKU: 1703-F24-03
Category: Fibre
If you love craft and love mushrooms, this workshop is for you. Learn how to needle felt a realistic Morel mushroom using only wool fibre and a felting needle. Whether you are an experienced felter or brand new, Elise will teach tips and tricks to create a solid, well defined, beautiful sculpture. We will discuss wool breeds and presentation, felting needle size and shapes, colour blending, and much more! During the second lesson we will create a base and mount our work for display.
Needle felting involves the use of very sharp needles. It is an affordable, fun, social, and easy on-the-go craft. Sign up today to find a new passion and develop your skill set.

Fibre Studio
(We are located in the Halifax Seaport; next to Pier 21.
There is a black train car in front of our building.)
Address: 1 1061 Marginal Road, Unit #140, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4P7
Upon entry, turn right. Go down the hall as it naturally turns left, the Fibre Studio door will be directly at the end.

Elise Campbell
Elise Campbell is a distinguished textile artist and educator based in Stillwater Lake, near Kjipuktuk/Halifax, Nova Scotia. Working primarily with wool, silk, and other natural fibers, Elise creates sculptural pieces that transcend traditional craft boundaries. Her artistic journey is deeply rooted in pushing the limits of wool as a medium, and exploring contemporary connections through texture, surface design, and form.
Elise’s artistic practice delves into the unseen processes of nature, revealing microscopic wonders that thrive beneath the surface and coexist harmoniously with surrounding flora and fauna. Utilising both contemporary techniques such as needle felting and nuno felting alongside the traditional craft of wet felting, she creates sculptures supported by meticulously crafted armatures of wood and wire, ensuring both structural integrity and artistic vision.
Elise’s dedication to elevating wool fibre to fine craft is evident in her commitment to innovation and collaboration. Her work has garnered recognition and support from prestigious institutions such as the Canada Council for the Arts, The Robert Pope Foundation, and the Denis Diderot Grant, and has been showcased in galleries across Nova Scotia, British Columbia, and Ontario. Through her creative endeavors, residencies, and an international felting study, Elise strives to both inspire and embrace innovation and collaboration, fostering a collective responsibility to protect and cherish our natural home, Earth.